

Anno: 1880


Musica: (Anonimo)
Testo: Patrick Joseph McCall

Lift Mac Cahir Og your face brooding o'er the old disgrace
that black Fitz William stormed your place and drove you to the fern.
Grey said victory was sure soon the fire brand he'd secure
until he met at Glenmalure Feach Mac Hagh O'Byrne.
Curse ande swear Lord Kildare, Feach will do what Feach will dare
Now Fitz William have a care fallen is your star low.
Up with halbert, out with sword, On we go for by the Lord
Feach Mac Hugh has given his word, Follow me up Carlow.

See the swords of Glen Imayle flashing o'er the Emglish Pale
see all the childen of the Gael, beneath O'Byrne's Banners.
Rooster of the fighting stock would you let a Saxon cock
Crow out upon an Irish rock, fly up and teach him manners.
Curse ande swear Lord Kildare, Feach will do what Feach will dare
Now Fitz William have a care fallen is your star low.
Up with halbert, out with sword, On we go for by the Lord
Feach Mac Hugh has given his word, Follow me up Carlow.

From Tassagart to Colnmore, flows a stream of Saxon Gore,
Och great is Rory Og O'More, at sending loons to hades,
white is sick and Lane is fled, now for black Fitz William's head
we'll sent it over, dripping red, to Liza and the ladies.
Curse ande swear Lord Kildare, Feach will do what Feach will dare
Now Fitz William have a care fallen is your star low.
Up with halbert, out with sword, On we go for by the Lord
Feach Mac Hugh has given his word, Follow me up Carlow.


Musica tradizionale irlandese del XVI secolo: Nel 1580 nella vallata di Glenmalure, situata tra i Monti Wicklow a sud di Dublino, Feach MacHugh O'Byrne guidò una ribellione vincente contro l'esercito inglese, agli ordini di Lord Grey de Wilton.
Si racconta che la musica sia stata eseguita dai suonatori di cornamusa del Clan Mac Hugh marciando sulla città di Carlow a seguito della vittoria a Glenmalure .
La musica fu poi ripresa da Patrick Joseph McCall (1861-1919), che ne scrisse il testo verso la fine del XIX secolo.